Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tap The Screen Window, Love

Two things.

First one. Don't know where I got it from, but I suddenly got an itch to write. So I embarked on the 30 Days of Creativity fun fest. Did my first post in the middle of the night last night, but I will post again soon. Fun times. I have also started working on something I will submit to the Locution Magazine before I leave for basic. Not sure if this is the direction I want to go in, seeing as I've been writing very graphic things lately, but it's fun. My writing blog can be found here: Jun's 30 Days

Second thing is, love is a battlefield! Not really, but that song is stuck in my head. I got no sleep last night. And I'm not sleepy, but it's still annoying. Alicia and I fought, AGAIN. I'm not liking this pattern at all. We make up, which is great, but I'd rather eliminate the fighting altogether. So that's what I plan on doing from now on. I am committing to this!

What else? Oh! The working on me is going well. I kind of got down on myself yesterday, but I was able to turn it around with a bit of positive thinking! GO ME! When I laid down I was thinking about it, and I'm quite proud of myself. I dealt with it very well.

Alicia also said I should try meditation, and so I will do a bit of research today, and try it later on. The clearing my mind of all thoughts part is what bothers me. But again, I will try it.

I miss Chris. I talked to him briefly last night, as he was at work, but it looks like I wont be talking to him regularly for awhile and this saddens me. I play it off like I don't like him, but I do. ;____;

Is that it...?

OH! I talked to my Aunt (who I hate) for hours yesterday. And she is so...sad. Before I used to say her odd antics are because she's crazy, but it's really because she's so worried and lonely. I feel bad for her. Don't get me wrong, she's still one crazy bitch, but to hear her talk about her daughter and life expectancy and things like that was so...hmmm...can't think of the right word right now.

Scruggins came over for a good while yesterday too. Which gave me a glance into the family dramas with the women and (hahahahahahaha!) my brother and his "men know all" bullshit. And he wonders why I don't listen to him when he tries to give me advice.

And last night two guys got mad at me like I'm dating them and I'm not. "You're with someone! OMG! Why didn't you tell me! You're such a bitch sometimes! OMG!" Geez. Calm down. And then I wake up to more bullshit this morning from one of them. I'm not with him, what doesn't he understand about that?

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