Thursday, July 17, 2008

And The Clouds Opened Up...

I am having a brilliantly fantastic day! And I have no idea why!

I fell asleep to drama, I woke up to drama, and yet I kept a smile on my face. I am so generally happy it's insane!

So lets ramble about some nerdy bullshit~ \o/

Since Mary has been on hiatus (in my head, har!) I decided to dive a bit deeper into Joseph, who is part of the same series of stories as Mary. Out of all of the characters I've ever created from scratch, Mary and Joseph certainly are my favourite. (And yes, perhaps that is a play on their name. You will have to wait and see.) When I write from each character's perspective, being the nerd I am, I have to listen to certain music. Well, there is always music in the background because I love it so. But I listen to certain things. Like for Mary, I use Keane and for Joseph, I use Chevelle.

Of course there are other characters, but for some reason those two are the most active in my imagination right now.

I haven't been painting lately because (harharhar!) I don't have any canvases. Fucking go me! But since I'm not working, I can't BUY any right now. So I get to wait. I highly doubt I'll be painting in the AF unless I get an apartment or something. Which I doubt I will do.

Working out is going well...nothing else to say about that really. "I did a bajillion sit-ups!" just seems dumb. Ah! I started using some free site to learn Italian since I have an assload of free time. I've barely used it though, which is kind of funny. But it works! I learned really easy sentences, but it was fun.

I was reading this old story I used to work on, holy crap it's horrid! That is all.

Watched the first day of E3 with my sister. XBox is blowing them all out of the water. Nintendo needs to step away from "Mii" games and try to get some good shit. And the PS3 hasn't been doing well to begin with. Even though their games are gorgeous! My God, those graphics are amazing! Both the Wii and the PS3 are lacking in games, and since the PS3 is sharing a lot of titles with the XBox, people are gonna go with the cheaper system. So far, the only plus of the PS3 is that it can play BluRay. Good for it.

And that's all my ramblings for right now~

Damn, I'm so happy! It's crazy. I doubt anything could bring me down today~

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