Saturday, July 19, 2008

Drama, Batman, and Sex

I didn't write yesterday because of random things going on all at once. But now, I am in a great mood~ And so I write.

Had a not so great start to my day yesterday thanks to my big mouth. I should really know when to stop pushing people's buttons. And so I hurt someone and also got hurt in return. (Sound familiar?) No lashing out this time, though. I sat around and then went to see a late showing of Batman.

Batman was awesome. Wont spoil it but the Joker definitely made the movie for me. Whenever he was on screen, it was GREAT. Other than that, I feel it may have had a bit too much talking (not one for placing conversation in the middle of fight scenes and what not). But still, overall a good movie.

Anyway, I came home to the dramas! Calls on my cell phone and e-mails in my inbox. I tried to apologize to the appropriate people. Those who didn't get an apology, just weren't my top priority at the time. Can't say I'm sorry, because someone was more important.

Anyway, once I waited around trying to get a hold of her (figured not naming this person was best since some people who read my blog would know her) I decided to pass out. And pass out I did. Went to sleep at 5:00, woke up at 7:45 from a nightmare.

Luckily, I tried and was able to get a hold of her. There was some back and forth, a lot of me crying like a big baby, and everything was somehow settled by that wonderful thing called sex.

And I am pleased with that outcome.

And my Italian is meh~

Io sono una donna. Io sono alto. Io sono vecchia. ;____;

Not really, but it's a fun word to say. "Vecchia~"

That's it! Happy Shelly is really happy~<3

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