Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Love On The Rocks

If I ever needed the perfect song for this situation, certainly Sara Bareilles' Love On The Rocks is that song. Damn this.

Ok! Happy entry.

Hmmm...this is bad. I can't think of anything.

Oh! Yes! Little less than 2 weeks left. Those who want to hear from me right before I go, give me your e-mail addresses and I'll e-mail you from the hotel before I ship out. And then I'm gone.

Also, yesterday was my birthday. What did my birthday consist of?

My mother asking me when I'm getting married, family drama with my brother, arguing with my ex, my dog chasing huge deer, and a very odd nest in the tree of my brother's house (seriously, we have no idea what it is).

I got to eat a lot, though. And cake. I also got to cut my hair which made me very happy. And money, which was what I wanted anyway.

What else? Lots of phone calls. Some from people I haven't talked to in forever (how the fuck did Angel get my number?!). In the end, this was probably the worst birthday I've ever had. Although, most of my birthdays have been spent in a bed with whoever I'm dating at the time which I guess is kind of a bad habit. I'm not a fan of celebrating my birthday, anyway. I try to treat it like any other day (aside from...the bed thing) and my family wants to make a big deal out of it.

Like what the fuck? Why is Auntie Oopie calling me to tell me to stay positive when she's married to some fake ass mother fucker.

Ok, enough venting. This is supposed to be a happy entry.

Nook called, which raised my spirits. She sang to me. Some random song that was not birthday like at all but made me laugh anyway. She's so sweet sometimes.

Who else called? Mayah (since she's back at school), Ashley, Tigh, errrmmmm...and some other people I can't remember right now.

I have nothing else to say except...

It took me three hours to type this entry because of drama stirring up and my mom wanted to talk about it. Intervention time, perhaps?

1 comment:

Crazy said...


Also, Sara Bareilles gets hard to listen to after a while. Once or twice it's ok.