Friday, August 1, 2008

Flashlights and Explosions

The day is quickly approaching!

That day where I tell everyone "See you in couple of months~"

Since it's easier for me to just put this somewhere and let the masses read it and do whatever they want with the information, I figured here was best. I figure most people don't care about my little stint away, which is understandable, but for the handful that do, well, here you go.

I will be unreachable through the internet in any form starting the 14th and I will be back in December/January depending on my Tech School. Could be longer if my Tech School is shorter, in that case I will be getting my shit together in my new home where ever the fuck that may be.

August 14 isn't that far away. In fact, it's right around the corner. Two weeks and that's it. Two weeks and then I'm gone for almost half a year. My few calls in basic will be to my parents, obviously. So don't expect to hear from me.

What else...those people I think I'm gonna stay in contact with I will keep your numbers and call you when I'm in Tech, probably.

I don't know what else to stay. actually kind of starts next week since my dad's family reunion is that Saturday.


I need to get some shit done. Like call my credit card company and see if I can stop my payments while I'm gone. Other than that, I think I'm just waiting to go. Getting nervous now, although my excitement hasn't gone down at all.

Random picture time~~

This is what I spent my last family reunion doing. And I was bored here. I thought this was beautiful and these adorable. And he seemed confused.

Old but~ Peace Bridge, Apartment Building, City Hall 1 & 2.

I'm gonna miss you Buffalo and HSBC Arena.

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