Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I am happy.

No drama, no raised voices, no arguments, no tempers...nothing can bring me down. Not today. I went to sleep with a smile on my face, and woke up in the same state. I actually got in touch with my recruiter today and everything is getting finished up on Monday (in terms of my college credits and my loans). I'm happy about that.

There is one week left, though. Which is sad. And it's going by crazy fast. Soon I will be running, jumping, doing sit-ups and push-ups, and getting screamed at. Being told I'm nothing but a worthless piece of shit and maybe I made a mistake because I'm obviously not strong enough. And I'm going to love every fucking second of it.

Sure I'm gonna be utterly miserable in the moment, but afterwards I will come out a soldier. And a damn fine one at that. So I am very excited. I bet those 7 weeks are gonna fly by.

Most people still don't know I'm leaving so soon. And I could care less. Night before I go I will say "See you guys in 6 months!" and log off. I have to delete my Myspace befor I go too.

Only big worry I have right now is bills. I know my dad is gonna turn off my phone for me (thank you, daddy~) but maybe I will tell him not to. Maybe we can just turn off the other line and put enough money into my account to pay my one month that I will be MIA. Then I can keep my number...

I'll find out. I also need enough money in my account to pay my credit card while I'm away. It's like $25, but I always pay over. After basic, I'll just pay that shit off.

What else? Syracuse trip is probably gonna be canceled...and....I think that's it!

Oh, blessed day! What happiness is this?

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